Thursday, January 7, 2010

Peace In the Snow

Ok, so the state of Georgia normally doesn't get too much snow, and when we do, we tend to get a little excited. I stayed up waiting on the snow to fall.

When I noticed the first few flakes begin to fall, I wrapped myself in a blanket and went outside to feel the flakes against my face. The snow began to fall harder, no accumulation expected, but I wanted to sit and watch the snow fall, we may not get anymore this year. I sat on my front porch wrapped tightly in my fuzzy blanket. The only light shining was the flood light toward one of the barns. It illuminated the skies just enough for me to see the flakes fall so graceful, so silent. I find so much peace when I'm alone outside with no one around, but the peace I felt tonight cannot be explained.

Every time it snows, I'm a kid again, wanting to experience every thing there is to experience with the snow. I stood on the side of the porch with my mouth wide open and my head tilted toward the sky. I heard the front door open, Rob wanted to know what the hell I was doing. I informed him I was trying to catch a snow flake on my tongue. He kinda laughed then sat down in the wicker straight back chair I love so much. He began to tell me how he thought us Georgia rednecks go to the extreme when the least bit of snow is fore casted. Aimee and Shelby ran out the door screaming "snow, snow, snow" With the 3 outside, my moments of silence were no more. Rob, originally from Iowa is used to the snow. He's used to the huge flakes and blizzards. So he found our extreme excitement a little bizarre I suppose.

Aimee and Shelby danced around in the yard and I joined them holding their hands dancing around in circles. When the snow began to fall harder and faster with flakes as big as my thumb, I started screaming "oh my God its a freaking blizzard now!!" I was consumed by such a magical joy at that moment. Rob was laughing from the porch saying "this is far from a f-ing blizzard, this is just a little flurry" The girls and I danced around in the midnight snow with our mouths wide open catching the flakes on our tongue, feeling the soft droplets of the flakes on our faces. Lonnie, my baby brother stepped outside, "freaking f-ing awesome man" he said, running to join us in the yard. I glanced at Rob still on the porch shaking his head at our insane midnight joy in the snow.

I finally told the girls they needed to go to bed, just in case they didn't call school off. Rob was confused questioning whether or not the schools would close. I explained that the schools either close or go on a 2 hour delay even with the slightest dusting of snow. He couldnt believe it. He then told me there would be 5 feet of snow in Iowa and still have school. The thing about Georgia and South Carolina, at the slightest mention of snow, people rush to the grocery store buying bread and milk till there is none in stock. I never fully understood that. I, being the big milk drinker that I am, always drink about a gallon in a day in a half, so I'm always buying milk. When the snow idiots buy out the milk and bread from the stores, I'm quite pissed because then I don't get my daily amount of consumption.

At the slightest blanket of snow, us Georgia rednecks, have to go out in our 4 wheel drive trucks and jeeps and make a mess out of the beautiful white blanket that covers the earth, mixing snow and orange mud, turning it into mush. There are more wrecks on the road because we simply do not know how to drive when the innocent flakes begin to fall and accumulate to less than an inch.

With only less than an inch on the ground, we go around building little snowmen and women with what little snow we have. Theres no need to worry if we use up all the snow on the ground, we mix in a little dirt too, or rob some of the powder like dusting off tops of the cars, buildings, sheds, whatever stands holding just a little snow. After our snow/sand men and women are finished we stand back and admire such a beautiful creation.

When the girls went back in the house, I sat on Rob's lap, my blanket still around me and I felt his arms wrap around my midsection. "don't talk to me, just let me enjoy the snow, the peace, the quietness, the beauty, just let me enjoy it" I whispered leaning into him. Snuggled against him in his lap, feeling the warmth of my furry blanket, and his arms, I watched the snow as it
began to fade into the night, as it went from a Georgia blizzard to a single flake every 30 seconds.
We sat in the quiet, not speaking a word. Just him, me, and the Georgia snow. What a great Peace.

Tonight I confess: Its always been a fantasy of mine to make love in the snow, I wanted to tonight but was embarrassed to tell him.
*note* the above photo is of the snow falling


Max Pinedo Paredes said...

Wow, I cannot begin to imagine that wonderful spectacle. In order to see some snow, I should go to the highlands, cities at 3000 metres (10000 ft) elevation in the Andes. As you can imagine, that's easier said than done lol

So, thanks for the picture and for sharing this lovely post Haley :)

Kelly L said...

I love to visit the snow and play in it too. Had to shovel a drive once - it was crazy hard.... but fresh snow is beautiful.

Slyde said...

thats how i am for the first few snowfalls of the year, especially the ones before christmas.

by feb/march, i have to admit im kinda sick of it.

Donald Swarbrick said...

Its great until you have to travel a distance in it, especially in Scotland. Brrrrr, its been -17 here, and -23 further north.

BeenAroundTheWorld said...

Blankets, warmth, and snuggling while the snow falls...what a beautiful moment.

Making love in the know, I never thought about that, but that could be totally sexy and very creative. Embarassed? :) I'm sure that would have driven him wild. I might have to try that at some point because that's such an unexpected thing.

And Cheers in deed for being a strong Single mom...juggling life, little ladies, and womanhood, Amazing. Happy 2010!!!! The best is yet to come.

Anonymous said...

Please write again soon've really got something here...

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