Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I walked on along down to the lake, searching for a little "me" time. A short cut through the woods takes me to my favorite spot of seclusion. Some days I just sit for hours, reflecting on the past, looking into the future, or simply just absorbing the energies around me. I take the time to talk to the nature spirits around me, each and every morning, but when Im at my little secret spot at the lake, I sit and I listen. I watched the birds this morning, fly over the water, and I thought to myself how wonderful it would be, to be as free they were. No problems, no worries, just free. The water in front of me made a small noise, I looked out to see circles forming on top of the water, a fish, hitting the top of the water grabbing its morning breakfast. I thought to myself, how nice it would be to be free as the fish, living in a different world under the water, never thirsting, never hungry, no worries, no problems. I looked out among the trees, soon their green will turn to beautiful hues of orange, gold, red, and yellow with the fall tempertures coming in. My favorite time of the year. I made a mental note to get some bird feed for my winter, feathered friends who live around me. Something moved behind me, I turned to look, searching in the trees for the noise. I saw his cute bushy tail, a squirrel looking and gathering his acorns, stocking up and getting ready for the colder temperatures. He saw me watching, and froze momentarily. I assured him I would not harm him, and I assured him, I was not there to take his food. After a few minutes of him contemplating my words, he scurried on, jumping limb to limb. Suddenly I missed Pepper. Pepper was a pet squirrel I had one time. I rescued him from a fallen nest. I took him in and hand fed him pure goats milk from a bottle. I fed him pecans from the pecan orchards, and bird seed. Pepper was cool, he always sat on my shoulder, sometimes stretching out around my neck to take a quick nap. After about a year of keeping Pepper as a pet, he decided he wanted to live with his own. I miss Pepper.
I took my shoes and socks off, and rolled up my jeans and stepped down into the water. Feeling the soft sand squish between my toes. I was now connected to life in the water, from the micro-organisms growing, to the fish that swam around, my feet touching the bottom of the lake, I could feel life. Had it been warmer, I probably would have stripped down to my undies as I often do, and swim with the habitats of the water, but it was too cool for that.
I threw a rock across the water, the splash was louder than I intended, I felt I somehow might have disturbed the living under the waters. I retreated back to my spot on the side of the lake, keeping my feet in the water.
Life...everything around me was life. Everything around me was living, yet some people do not take the time to reflect on life around them, too busy to notice the existance of what is around them. You dont have to live in the country to notice, life is all around.
I understand when a new building is about to be constructed, trees are cut down, the land is cleared in order to build. I have to remind myself, that everytime I walk into Starbucks, at one time, life lived there before the expensive coffee shop was built. How many people realize, the life they are destroying to gain the money from our pockets when businesses are built? I understand without grocery stores, without housing developments, without the commercial and residential needs we possibly wouldnt survive. We have become accustomed to a different form of life, where everything is readily available to us. Yet, life in the wild, life in nature, we think sometimes how free they are, maybe they arent so free. Worries? Had I just not reflected on what it would be like to be free and have no worries? Maybe life in nature to do worry, some of us just dont take the time to listen.
On my way back home, I spotted a dead beetle. I picked him up and put him in the pocket of my jeans. I stopped and peeled the bark off a pine tree, I saw a bug. I had destroyed part of his home. I tried replacing the bark, but damage was done, now the bug would have to relocate.
I walked out of the woods, and I looked across the fields. I could see the deep dark orange mounds of fire ant homes across the fields. I walked up to one, and poked a hole in the top with my finger, pulling it out quickly so I wouldnt get stung by them. I took the dead beetle out of my pocket and quickly dropped it into the hole. I watched the ants swarm around him, ontop of him, devouring him. Free food!
I walked inside my house, and poured a cup of hot steaming coffee. I retrieved the bag of sugar from the cabinet to refill my sugar dish, but little black specks poured in the sugar dish along with my sugar...sugar ants. Ah yes, sugar ants, stealing my sugar! I took the bag outside and laid it on the ground, I would not take thier food from them as they graciously took from me :)
I felt like killing, but instead, I cut up a lemon, i searched for their opening, and placed the lemon wedge to their entrance they will have to find another way to get in, to possibly steal again from me, in order to survive.
I in the country is the best
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
"We all have a story. The past makes us who we are but is not always who we will be."
That is a line from an excerpt of a story written by a new online friend. A line that touched me
in a way that left me fighting and controlling tears. Tears of all the emotions, of all the fears,
that I have kept hidden deep down inside me. I was unable to control the tear drops, and I let
them fall freely down my cheeks. I sought comfort in the woods, surrounded by trees of oaks
and pines. This mornings pouring rain subsided to a fine mist, I did not care, I needed to
find the solitude I often seek inside the woods. I was surrounded by nature. The birds
sang their lovely tunes as the fine mist of gentle rain dripped upon their feathers. Squirrels
ran away as I approached their hiding spots, or interrupted their afternoon snacks. I found
a dried up log lying across the ground. Fallen, destroyed by ice back in the winter.
I sat down on the log, well aware of the many bugs that have made it their home.
"...but is not always who we will be"
The last few days have been difficult for me. My mind has been spinning, the
whirlwind so out of control, that I have become lost in my aggressions and frustrations.
I have found it hard the last few days to control the ADD my mind now possesses.
I have found it hard to cope with things I seem I cannot get done, and I have found it
hard to cope with the feelings I have had raging inside of me. I have lied to my friends
the last few days and told them I just haven't been feeling well, when the truth is
I have been battling a war of emotions, confusion, anger, depression, and pain.
I have been regressing to who I used to be. Calm, peaceful, loving, humorous,
sexy, proud, independent, no longer exist inside of me. It is no longer who I am.
"...but is not always who we will be"
When I learned the extent of my injuries from my car accident back in Jan. I was
told of the long journey I would be taking in recovery, however I was not ready to accept it.
I fought for months to regain my strength and mobility. I fought for months to
learn to control my brain and the wild tornadoes that often spawned inside.
I fought for months to learn to forgive, yet I have no forgiveness left in me for what
he did to me. He took the "me" I had come to know and love, against all the odds
and hardships I endured. He took a piece of me I could never regain, and never ever be
again. My bones were so broken that 3 surgeries were needed to alleviate the pain. Just
when I thought I would not need another surgery, pain would sneak up like a thief in the night
and take hold of me taking my breath, yet another surgery would be needed to correct it.
After having my spinal fusion, I was told that it was probably the end to my surgeries, I would not
have to have anymore...but i would always have some sort of pain. While I may not
feel the pain in my back, the pain is still all to real of what he took from me. He took "me" from
me. I am no longer who I used to be. Broken, yet surgically mended. Broken in mind, yet
medicated for correction. How the fuck does one learn to accept the new person they have become?
"...but is not who we will be"
"We all have a story. The past makes us who we are but is not always who we will be."
Yes, my past does have one hell of a story. I have overcome much adversity to which I felt I could conquer anything that came way. Yet I later found that conquering a mind altering accident was way beyond my control. I cannot control the overly active mind at times, and I cannot control the emotions it leaves me with sometimes. All I can do is learn to cope with it, take the medicine that slows it down, and accept that I am a new me. I started a new blog because the old me is now gone, this is a new beginning, a new chapter in my life. I have overcome the accident for the most part. I have overcome the mending of the many broken bones and can now
move, walk, run, jump, swim, hike, better than before! I can physically enjoy everything I once enjoyed before the accident. I am now back at work full time, but I tend to stay in the office more than working in the fields, but that's ok.
I have learned to see things in a different light. I tend to notice different qualities in people. I tend observe the nature around me more. I tend to appreciate the "i love you's" from my loved ones more, and I find myself speaking those same 3 words more than I ever did. I find myself, laughing at my own stupidity at times, and I do find joy in the more simple and finer things. This is the new me, this is the new beginning and in due time, I will come to know, love and understand
the new me as I grow. I can fight the battles in my mind when it starts to spin out of control, because I have fought so much adversity before. I have to learn to accept change and know that the changes could turn out to be to my advantage. I have to know that at the end of the rainbow there is a pot of gold. I have to know that the old me is dead and gone, and the new me shall prevail, I shall win, I shall conquer.
For one line, one sentence, brought on a whole new revelation..I cannot change the past, I cannot undo what has been done. I can only accept the harsh truth that hit me so hard today.."We all have a story. The past makes us who we are but is not always who we will be."
Today I confess....a mere stranger changed my thoughts on reality
Labels: ADD, attention deficit disorder, brain injury, change, life, new beginnings, pain, trials